Why Is Record Cold and Epic Snow Hitting U.S. So Early
National Geographic
November 19, 2015
Anna Pires
On November 19, 2014, Buffalo, New York was covered in 6 feet of snow and the U.S in general also got a lot of snow very early in the year. People were puzzled by this and so was I. I wanted to know why we got so much snow and very early in the year. I found this article called “Why Is Record Cold and Epic Snow Hitting U.S. So Early?” from National Geographic. The article said that the National Weather Service was researching possibilities why the U.S. was hit so early by the cold and snow. They found that the so-called lake effect, the polar vortex, a kink in the jet stream, and an old super typhoon was to blame. I thought the main idea in this article was to tell the readers what caused the early snow and explain each scientific possibility to the reader to get a better idea on what was going on.
Even before I saw this article I was very interested in what caused the early snow in 2014 because this was only my second winter of living in Maine and I was wondering if this much snow this early was normal. As I was looking around the National Geographic this article grabbed my attention by being about a common interest I had. When I was reading this article I agreed with the scientist’s ideas on how the so-called lake effect, the polar vortex, a kink in the jet stream, and an old super typhoon did affect the weather in 2014, the article clearly explained each scientific possibility why we got snow so early in 2014 so the reader could understand every scientific possibility. I really enjoyed this article, now understand more about why we got snow earlier in 2014 and it made me feel better that the snow does not always start so early in Maine.
Wow! This is so cool!! And I thought that Maine got a lot of snow. It's really interesting to know that the blame for this much snow was actually for an old typhoon. I would of never guessed that. Thanks for writing this! It was really neat to learn about this problem.
ReplyDeleteWOW! This is realy cool. When I was little thought that Maine and New england was like more then the arctic because it was over my head. I also think it is cool that one typhoon can affect how the winter. I remeber when Buffulo was getting all that snow we have friends and they had to snow blow every hour for like a whole weekend. Interesting.